Rock/Review The Ruby Tears - Learn To Fly

Born from the weirdness of the first COVID lockdown. To date, The Ruby Tears has been an entirely online collaboration between Manchester solo musician John Goodfellow and Liverpool guitarist and songwriter Jeff Skellon.

"Learn To Fly" by The Ruby Tears is a magnetic departure from the customary power pop and post-punk sound that may be related to the band. It's an audial move that exhibits the group's readiness to investigate novel horizons and sonic lands.

Despite its unconventional style, this track was ultimately put out to the public - a testament to the band's willingness to expand artistically. Showcasing their musical versatility, they have taken a courageous step beyond the bounds of their comfort zone and released something truly original. It speaks to their commitment to development and growth as creatives.

"Learn To Fly" centers around the odyssey of a collective who, much like other groups, encountered the tribulations of lockdown and individual transitions. They stepped out of these struggles with intrepidity, proceeding to create and make first-rate music. This track is not merely a sign of their virtuosity; it also serves as a token of their steadfastness and perseverance.

As performers, The Ruby Tears have demonstrated that their creative vitality is ongoing, and their ability to modify and experiment with variant musical genres is a sign of their continued artistry. "Learn To Fly" is an exhilarating moment in the group's expedition, inviting fans to join them as they investigate fresh musical horizons.


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