Electronic/Review Deep Dive Species - Habitat

Deep Dive Species were formed during (and basically because of) the 2020 lockdown in New York. One part of the duo is Vadim Militsin, an electronic scene veteran who stands behind numerous projects like AUTiSM, Logica Abstracta, and Robotov-Millentrop. The other component of this unlikely mixture is Sergey Popovich, a guitarist and vocalist with a string of projects, like Vopli Vodoplyasova, famous in and beyond his native Ukraine, Hey! Lubo!, and the NY-based Goodswan.

The second full-length album "Habitat" by the virtual band Deep Dive Species, which is led by guitarist Sergiy Popovich and electronic producer Vadim Militsin, is another amazing turning point in the band's history. "Habitat," which builds on the popularity of their debut album, enhances Deep Dive Species' standing as producers of inventive, immersive electronic music with enthralling guitar melodies.

The soundscape of "Habitat" is both reassuring and thrilling, owing to the smooth blending of guitar and electronic components. The complex layers of synths, beats, and textures demonstrate Militsin's proficiency in electronic production, giving Popovich's dynamic guitar work a strong platform on which to soar.

With "Habitat," music fans are invited to go on a a sound voyage where each track behaves as a doorway to a new auditory world. A broad range of aural experiences are provided by the album, which might also be used as as the soundtrack for an interactive aural journey or as backing music for relaxing, ranging from the pulsating rhythms of the title track to the ethereal ambience of "Green Mist."

Finding the right mix between depth and accessibility is one of "Habitat's" most notable qualities. Even while the album's soothing electronic/guitar blend makes it enjoyable as background music, deeper examination shows levels of subtlety and depth that are worth paying attention to. "Habitat" has something to offer everyone, regardless of whether they're searching for a deeper examination of sound or a musical getaway.

All things considered, "Habitat" is a monument to Deep Dive Species' inventiveness and skill as musicians. With their follow-up album, Militsin and Popovich have created a musical masterwork that demonstrates their ability to expertly combine guitar and electronic components to provide an very engrossing listening experience. For lovers of electronic music, catchy guitar melodies, and deep soundscapes, it's a must-listen.


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