Rock/Review Speak Easy Circus - Gros Michel

Speak Easy Circus are an experimental indie/funk posse from the East End of Glasgow. Their chaotic crescendos and eclectic overtures, a celebration of the strange and the new, are a "circus" of tongue-in-cheek attitude and unpredictability. Speak Easy Circus are a breath of fresh air for everyone into never-the-same-way-twice musical curiosity and funky grooves.

"Gros Michel" by Speak Easy Circus is a thought-provoking and multi-layered song that delves into the hidden realities of the banana industry. While, on the surface, it may seem like a song about bananas, it goes much deeper, exploring the exploitation and dark dealings within this seemingly ordinary fruit's production.

The song's songwriter, Jack Avison, embarks on a powerful exploration of the banana industry after immersing himself in videos and documentaries about environmental issues. Through his research, he uncovers the dark dealings of corporations like La Chiquita, shedding light on the exploitation that often goes unnoticed.

At its core, "Gros Michel" is a poignant commentary on the complexities of consumerism and the consequences of our choices as individuals within a larger system. The song challenges listeners to consider their role in supporting industries that may contribute to environmental and social exploitation.

Speak Easy Circus delivers a captivating performance that perfectly complements the song's powerful message. The band's musicality and arrangement draw listeners in, immersing them in the song's narrative and shedding light on the weighty subject matter.

As "Gros Michel" unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the hidden stories and impacts behind seemingly ordinary products. By intertwining a catchy melody with a profound message, Speak Easy Circus creates a unique listening experience that educates and empowers its audience.

In conclusion, "Gros Michel" by Speak Easy Circus is more than just a song about bananas; it is a compelling exploration of the banana industry's dark underbelly and the exploitation hidden within. Jack Avison's dedication to researching and shedding light on this issue has resulted in a powerful and thought-provoking track. The song's ability to captivate listeners while raising awareness about environmental and social issues showcases Speak Easy Circus's artistry and commitment to using their platform to inspire change. "Gros Michel" is a song that leaves a lasting impact, encouraging listeners to question their own consumer choices and consider the ripple effects of their actions in a world dominated by corporate interests.


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