Rock/Review Riding with Killers - Full Circle

While Riding with Killers may be a new name on the rock scene, the members of the Detroit trio have seen more stages and logged more hours in the studio than most could imagine. Taylor Roberts, frontman and mastermind of RWK (formerly of Cathercist/Wild Fire), formed a friendship with ex-taproot drummer Dave Coughlin, which led to the early music of the band. Since 2018, the band has built a name for themselves in the Gulf Coast region and beyond.

Current and former members of Taproot, Cathercist, Avalon Black, and Wild Fire, who are in the alt/metal group Riding with Killers, located in Detroit, have released their potent new album, "Full Circle," which features a dynamic fusion of 90s alt rock, industrial, and nu metal elements. Over the course of 12 varied tracks, the band, led by guitarist/vocalist Taylor Roberts, unleashes a sound onslaught full of catchy choruses and unforgettable guitar riffs.

"Full Circle" is a powerful narrative platform that showcases Taylor Roberts's recent triumphs and personal journey through life's obstacles. Every track on the album provides a window into his experiences, conveyed with unfiltered passion and unfiltered emotion.

The album opens with a bang, establishing the mood with tunes that are heavily reliant on guitars and bring back the raw energy of alt rock and nu metal from the 1990s. Riding with Killers creates music with layers of depth and texture by skillfully fusing industrial elements into their sound.

Taylor Roberts' vocal skill is evident throughout "Full Circle," as she expertly switches between strong screams and beautiful moments. The catchy choruses on the record make an impression on listeners that they won't soon forget.

Hits like “Hostility” are prime examples of how Riding with Killers uses song to tell engrossing stories about resiliency, self-awareness, and personal development.

All things considered, Riding with Killers' "Full Circle" is a monument to the group's artistic vision and musical development. Fans of alt rock and metal will find this album to be an exciting auditory experience thanks to its explosive blend of genres and Taylor Roberts' riveting storytelling.

With their contagious enthusiasm and potent lyricism, "Full Circle" cements Riding with Killers' status as a strong force, pushing boundaries and making a lasting impression in the music industry. Listen for Riding with Killers as they open this fascinating new phase of their career.


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